Hopkins Emergency Medicine is proud to have a community of strong female physicians.
HopFem is a group of women in our department who support each other, host events to discuss the experience of being female in medicine, and have social gatherings to help build organic relationships and mentorship within our department.
Our next event will be a social gathering in late summer. Stay tuned for the details!
In the meantime, we encourage you to check out the following resources about the experience of female EM physicians:
If you are on Facebook, we encourage you to join the FemInEM group for real time resources and discussions, or follow @feminemtweets on Twitter. You can also subscribe to the FemInEM podcast!
If you are a member of SAEM, you can join AWAEM (Academy for Women in Academic Emergency Medicine) and benefit from their resources.
If you are a member of ACEP, check out the American Association of Women Emergency Medicine Physicians.​
If you have questions, ideas, or resources to share for HopFem, please reach out to Drs:
Jennifer Jenkins: jenkins@jhmi.edu
Korie Zink: kzink3@jhmi.edu
Valerie Osula: valerie.osula@jhmi.edu
Eisha Chopra: echopra1@jhmi.edu
Aaryn Hammond: ahammo16@jhmi.edu